The Qualities That Make It Possible For Ashesh Shah Photography to Offer the Best Interior and Archi

It is always said that you should not judge a book by its cover; however, we always do so. In this era of websites and social media platforms, people judge your work by having a look at the photographs displayed on your site or social media platform. If the photographs are not of the best quality, it would be difficult to impress your potential clients. So, if you desire to have the best interior and architectural photography in Mumbai, you need to depend on us at Ashesh Shah Photography.
Let us see the qualities that make us the best photographer to click architectural interior photography.
Know our equipment
It is not that we only know about our camera but are also aware of the minute details like the lens, the tripod, and the polaroid lenses and have in-depth knowledge about the process of clicking the ideal interior photograph. We spend a considerable amount on having the b
est tripod and polaroid lenses so that it is possible for us to capture the best architectural photography. We as an interior photographer in Mumbai have the best understanding of the working and the basic photography principles.
Follow the sun
We as the best architectural photographer are aware of the importance of light, the time of the day, and the weather. Our knowledge about light and exposure helps us to convert any mundane photograph into a brilliant piece.
As the best professional photographer in Mumbai, we are aware of how important it is to know about the sun’s path. We know in detail how the sun’s position can emphasize details or give a flat, and overexposed photograph.
We study the sun’s path so that we can optimize our timing. If that is impossible, we orient ourselves according to the sun. As there is a requirement for directional light the sun needs to be closer and so morning and evenings are the ideal time to click architectural interior photography.
A clear understanding of angles
We select the ideal angle which makes us have photography that looks dynamic. Our selection of angles helps us to play creatively with the perspective and scale in a picture. In architectural photography, height is of utmost importance. We generally click pictures from eye level; however, if we decide to have dynamic pictures, we explore various heights. We at times use a birds-eye view or ant-eye view to emphasize shapes or make the building look daunting. Our selection of angles helps us to focus on certain shapes and lines or at a time even space.
Creative composition
Our interior and architectural photography in Mumbai will help you to have a creative composition of the structure that you are trying to highlight. We know how to include anything in a frame and to compose those features to soothe the eyes. Our architectural photographs are lively as we include elements like people or traffic in them.
We capture the architectural details and process those professionally to make it possible to have the best architectural interior photography.